179 research outputs found

    Don't Memorize; Mimic The Past: Federated Class Incremental Learning Without Episodic Memory

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    Deep learning models are prone to forgetting information learned in the past when trained on new data. This problem becomes even more pronounced in the context of federated learning (FL), where data is decentralized and subject to independent changes for each user. Continual Learning (CL) studies this so-called \textit{catastrophic forgetting} phenomenon primarily in centralized settings, where the learner has direct access to the complete training dataset. However, applying CL techniques to FL is not straightforward due to privacy concerns and resource limitations. This paper presents a framework for federated class incremental learning that utilizes a generative model to synthesize samples from past distributions instead of storing part of past data. Then, clients can leverage the generative model to mitigate catastrophic forgetting locally. The generative model is trained on the server using data-free methods at the end of each task without requesting data from clients. Therefore, it reduces the risk of data leakage as opposed to training it on the client's private data. We demonstrate significant improvements for the CIFAR-100 dataset compared to existing baselines

    FairFed: Enabling Group Fairness in Federated Learning

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    As machine learning algorithms become increasingly integrated in crucial decision-making scenarios, such as healthcare, recruitment, and risk assessment, there have been increasing concerns about the privacy and fairness of such systems. Federated learning has been viewed as a promising solution for collaboratively training of machine learning models among multiple parties while maintaining the privacy of their local data. However, federated learning also poses new challenges in mitigating the potential bias against certain populations (e.g., demographic groups), as this typically requires centralized access to the sensitive information (e.g., race, gender) of each data point. Motivated by the importance and challenges of group fairness in federated learning, in this work, we propose FairFed, a novel algorithm to enhance group fairness via a fairness-aware aggregation method, which aims to provide fair model performance across different sensitive groups (e.g., racial, gender groups) while maintaining high utility. This formulation can further provide more flexibility in the customized local debiasing strategies for each client. We build our FairFed algorithm around the secure aggregation protocol of federated learning. When running federated training on widely investigated fairness datasets, we demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art fair federated learning frameworks under a high heterogeneous sensitive attribute distribution. We also investigate the performance of FairFed on naturally distributed real-life data collected from different geographical locations or departments within an organization
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